Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Silent lark...reborn.

Thru dark of night
cats silent my balcony sway;
they smile at the moon
yet siren`s songs
for me do play.

Clawed feet gently
padded flow
create their stance;
Eyes keen alert
head neck ears
this nightly prance.

Was chance perhaps
form caught my eye;
they felt my glance
yet did not fly.

This ritual dance
did for me unfold;
timeless sacred ballet
premiered tonight
yet composed of old.

My heart of trivial nothings
was burdened dark;
but by intermission
my soul was born
new again the lark.

I hope tonight
to view the ballet;
with a glass
of cheap red wine
this will
Make my day.


About Me

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Served 4 years as Navy Corpsman, became a Nurse , worked as Registered Nurse for 32 years