Thursday, July 8, 2010


Bricks bricks bricks
earth`s clay man
fired hard a single day;
mighty singular units
yet whacked stacked
pointed jointed
does true purpose
of builder display.

Bricks bricks bricks
mason`s tiny soldiers
bold brazen stark;
grasped shaped moulded
created by man
divinely pulled from the dark.

Bricks bricks bricks
scattered tossed lost
once a time
cooly aligned;
thru blessed symmetry
mortar sweat toil
with hope courage
truly designed.

Bricks bricks bricks
tumbled jumbled fell
crashed dashed thrown
hardfall to earth;
whether nature`s fury
or man`s folly
matters not
for these brave soldiers
patiently await rebirth.

Bricks bricks bricks
do humbly await
their divine meaning still;
wall tomb home
what shall it be
pray courage hope
and a true builder`s will.


About Me

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Served 4 years as Navy Corpsman, became a Nurse , worked as Registered Nurse for 32 years